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Think, think over it

People have been basically fighting for the possession of land- lands not occupied or inhabited by others, lands inhabited by hostile groups, lands in possession of neutral people. Every person having a sort of authority or position wanted to add some feather to his cap. This could easily be done by grabbing more land and thus expanding his domain (read empire).

There is a proverb in Urdu language (Pakistan) that “Woman, Wealth and Land are the route cause of war”. And history has proved it also-. At times possession of one would lead to the possession of other. This was true during the agrarian era of the history and same is true even today when we breathe in twenty-first century. The ensuing periods of history that witnessed the aggressions and expansionism of ancient, medieval and modern ages- the colonial period and then the world wars- further confirms the same myth.

The big questions today facing the humanity are:-

Should we allow this to continue forever?

Should we not learn to get mature enough to harness our animalistic instincts?

Should we not sincerely and seriously endeavor to make this planet safer for our coming generations?


  1. I like how you are not biased in your postings. My personal opinion on this is...I dunno. I just want peace.

    -OneMorning85 from deviantArt

  2. I have gone through your blog and writings. A person with your insight, feelings and vision can only understand the true genesis of peace. When the number of people with such thinking grows to a sizable magnitude, the peace will prevail.
