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Love and Peace

On the eve of Valentine Day it is pertinent to mention that love and peace are synonyms. Where there is love, there will be peace and the converse is also true. Love for the family, our children, our brothers and sisters. Widening the canvass, love needs no bounds-love for the neighbors, the country mates and love for the humanity as a whole.

The universe was created on the basis of love. A permanent attraction (read gravitational force) exists among all the heavenly bodies that keeps them tied together and does not allow them to be swayed away. All the components of universe adhere strictly to their orbits. There seems to be complete harmony, peace and tranquility in the system. Scientists tell us that if a planet (say our earth) drifts away from its fixed path/orbit even by a few centimeters, a devastating turmoil will take place in the planetary system. All other natural phenomena around us also exhibit the same kind of love and attraction. The plants, the flowers, the wildlife and the geophysical occurrences in their normal course demonstrate a semblance of harmony, symmetry, love and peace.

What is the message for the humans then? Simply love each other without any pre-conditions, any apprehensions, any expectations or returns. If you get the love in return (and surely you will get it, according to Newton’s Third Law of Motion), you can be satisfied to have established a universal relationship in a manner in which it should be. If you don’t get it immediately, be sure that you have set the ball rolling in right direction, which is eventually going to the bear fruits.

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