Islam was introduced to the world when Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the last of the prophets of God was sent to the people. The prophet hood of Muhammad marked the culmination point of the era that started with Adam (the first of the prophets) and consisted of a large number of prophets sent to all nooks and corners of the world, where ever the human societies exited. The holy book revealed to Muhammad, Al Quran, is the last of the holy books and marks the end of a direct one–on-one dialogue between the man and God. Quran is the only book whose responsibility of safe custody to maintain its originality has been taken up on by God Himself. One can now say with authenticity that whatever is written in the Quran is the true word of God. Similarly if someone now claims a direct talk or communication with God in any form, the claimant will be a false person. Quran is now the beacon of guidance for the whole mankind for all the people and for all times to come.
The Islam is a complete system of life. It is not only a collection of few prayers or religious rituals but encompasses all the aspects of social life like politics, economics, research and knowledge and international relations/contracts, just to name a few. The outlines of this system are given in the Holy Quran and were further elaborated by the holy Prophet Muhammad with his practical actions and sayings. After the death of the holy Prophet his sayings were compiled by different authors who were renowned religious scholars of their times. These books are called the books of Hadith ie the saying of the Prophet. Later on a large number of books were written by many scholars, thus laying the foundations for the Fiqa or the schools of thought. The authority of the Holy Quarn is supreme, followed by the Hadith and then the other books.
Concept of Peace
The word for peace in Islam is ‘salama’, which is akin to the Hebrew word ‘shalom’ in Judaism. This word is all encompassing and covers many aspects of human life, both in this word and hereinafter. The basic meaning of the word ‘Islam’ is also ‘peace, submission’. Islam demands submission of mankind to the sole authority of God and no one else. Once a person or the mankind as a whole totally submits to the will and authority of God, they come into the protection and then the peace follows automatically.
Islam is a religion that advocates peace and harmony among the mankind. Its message of peace is universal and above the distinctions of faiths, beliefs and races. According to Islam, man by virtue of being a human being is to be respected as God has made him respectable.
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