This universe has been created on the basis of diversity. Each natural phenomenon has got its converse.. Winters vs summers, heat vs cold, health vs disease and the list is limitless. Same is the case with human nature- aggressive vs the docile (hawks vs doves ) contented vs the greedy, war mongers vs the peace lovers. And the list goes endless. This world is a place of action, an abode for the mortals, the place where you do something and then get the result accordingly. This is the world of ‘cause and effect’.
People have dreamed of a ’ utopia’ since ages. Every religion has given the news of the paradise in the life after death.
Then what should we do? Should we desire this world to be converted into utopia (paradise) one day? Or should we forget about it and give up our efforts to achieve this aim? My suggestion is that we should not let the despair for the world grow in us. Let there be light at the end of tunnel. Let not the gloom prevail upon the high hopes. Let not our objective of making this world a peaceful abode to be obscured, because peace leads to perfection and perfection is an attribute of paradise.
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