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The Concept of 'Jihad' in Islam-3

Protection of Non Muslims

The Quran enjoins upon believers to protect non-believers living in an Islamic State and allow them the freedom of worship and protection of their places of worship. Are they (the Muslims) not then entitled to protect themselves? The concept of religious freedom amongst non-Muslims is the freedom of worship and freedom to observe their rituals. But in Islam it is the right to determine a way of life or organize a political community based on the Quranic fundamentals. Anybody who comes in the way of this freedom, or interferes with this way of existence shall be resisted by the Muslims. The believers cannot exist in an atmosphere of slavery, though it may be called peaceful from the worldly point of view. Generally, a peaceful reign means the one where all sorts of crimes are forcibly eliminated. This is a positive act, but the Quran leads further.

Negation of ‘ Fitna’(anarchy, chaos) and ‘Fasad’ ( disorder and confusion)

According to the Holy Quran, a real peace can exist only where there is subservience to Allah and Allah alone. Such is the only constructive reign. Subservience to human whims and wishes is ‘Fasad’ (disorder and confusion) in the Quranic terminology. (23:71). Accordingly, any conflict between State based on Divine fundamentals on the one hand and one based on man-made laws on the other is a conflict between truth and falsehood, between order and confusion. (7: 46). Thus fighting is allowed against the forces of evil which interfere in the establishment of a social order based on truth. But believers are commanded only to raise arms in defense of ‘Deen’ and are not allowed to transgress limits. (2:19)

Negation of violence and ‘fasad’ (disorder and confusion, lack of peace) is the corner stone of Islamic policy. The Holy Quran says that ‘fitna ( chaos ,anarchy) is worst than murder. This is because murder is an act of one or few people that can be dealt with by law, but if chaos and anarchy spreads the peace will vanish, and with it everything tangible that man has made or planned for.

International contracts

Fighting is also allowed in the event of violation of international contracts. Fulfillment of contracts is one of the basic teachings of the Quran. (5:1, 17:34, 16:91). The Muslims are bound to honor them as long as the other party is faithful to them. But a contract can be openly, not deceitfully, terminated if treachery on the part of the enemy is feared.

As against this, the modern pattern of international relationship is based upon diplomacy, which is hailed as an art and a commendable act, though it is another name for deceit. Machiavellian governs modern inter-State relations. Alliances are made only to be broken at will. But the Quran has laid down specific rules for breaking a treaty. It is ordained that a period of four months should be allowed by way of notice after denunciation of the treaty provided, and:

That due protection be accorded in the intervening period;

That the door to repentance and reunion with the people f God should always be left open; and

That if all measures fail and war is bound to be undertaken, it must be pushed with the utmost vigor.

Defense of the Weak Segments of Mankind

The Quran also allows fighting for the help of the oppressed.

“And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women and children whose cry is: ‘Our Lord’! Rescue us from this town where people are oppressors and raise for us from thee one who will help.” (4:75).

Evil consorts evil The good have all the more reason for drawing together by not only living in mutual harmony, but also by being ready at all times to protect each other. Otherwise, the world would be given over to aggression by unscrupulous people and the good will fail in their duty to establish peace and strengthen the forces of truth and righteousness (8:73). To help the oppressed, wherever they are and whatever is their race, color, language and faith, is the duty of the Muslims enjoined by Allah. Allah’s plan is universal. He provides protection to His entire creature. To protect one, He may have to check another.

“And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the world would indeed be full of mischief: but Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds.” (2:251).

Use of Force within Islamic State

Within the Islamic State itself, use of force is allowed, first, against those guilty of treason against the State (5:36); and, secondly against the hypocrites who, though given the privileges of association with goodness and piety, persist in wicked deeds. (66:9).

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his immediate successors acted upon these principles. It was because of their having strictly observed the Divine law and its ethics that the Muslim rule of law spread over vast areas of the globe within a short span of time. But when the subsequent Muslim generations turned their back upon the teachings of the Quran, they were bound to reap what they had sown.

Protection of Civilians, Women and Children

Even in times of war, the Muslim must respect his adversaries and humanity. Brutal and barbaric atrocities are prohibited in Islam. Islam condemns barbaric killing of any human being. Therefore, Islam does not permit the mutilation of the bodies of the dead enemy soldiers.

Also, Islam prohibits the targeting and killing of all civilians, especially women, children, the elderly, and religious clergy. Enemies, even at time of war, must be treated justly. Prisoners of war have basic human rights, as stated in the Shariah (Islamic Law), and must be provided and cared for and not humiliated in any way.

The following verses touch on some of these issues:

"O Prophet! say to those who are captives in your hands: If Allah finds any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will forgive you: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surah 8,Verse70).

“And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive, (Saying), We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks." (Surah 76, Verses 8-9).

In addition, the following were the instructions of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) to Muslims who are forced to fight a war:

"Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people,'' and he mentioned priests, nuns and rabbis. And he said, "Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies."

In addition to all this, Islam prohibits oppression, revenge or injustice to the people of the enemy in case of victory against them. Nor must there be control over the sources of the wealth of the nation or people, or even establishment of colonial regimes. Justice and freedom must be established. Tolerance towards cultures and peoples is to be respected at all times.

Prisoners of War

The orders of the holy Quran for the enemy soldiers who are taken prisoners during war are that the Muslims will have to set them free, either after obtaining the money from the enemy in lieu or as a good will gesture.


This is the Islamic point of view on war, peace and justice. With deep and detailed studies of Islam, people often get a clear understanding that Islam promotes peace and justice, and stands against aggression and violence.

It is very sad that some people, who want to give a wrong impression of Islam, simply select a few words from the Qur'an and distort them and put them up out of context, all in order to prove that Islam supports violence. They ignore all the verses that precede or follow.

It is hoped that you will be inquisitive about what you may hear or read on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines or on the internet. Make sure that you do not blindly believe anything that is being said. Try to get both sides of the story, study the Quran without any preconceived ideas and you will be surprised to know that how the truth is distorted by those who do not want to propagate the actual spirit of Islam

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