The concept of Jihad must, be studied in the light of the Holy Quran. The literal meaning of Jihad’ is striving utmost to achieve an objective. The primary objective before the Muslims is establishment of a social order based on the Quranic fundamental principles. All efforts to that end fall with in the meaning of ‘Jihad’. Armed fight against formidable resistance by self-seeking people, which is called ‘Qital’ is also Jihad and has been allowed by the Quran. Otherwise, Islam is a ‘deen’ (system) of peace and safety. Before giving a verdict about jihad, one must ask three questions to his / her satisfaction:
(1) Is Islam really a ‘deen’ (system) of peace, justice, and tolerance?
(2) Does it allow discriminate fighting against the enemy, or has it laid down certain checks and rules for it?
(3) Under what circumstances have the Muslims been fighting against non-Muslims?
So for as the first question is concerned, the Holy Quran says,
“There has come to you from God a light in the form of a perspicuous book wherewith God guides all who seek His good pleasure to a path of peace and safety.” (5: 15-16).
The very word ‘Islam’ means peace. Mischief is prohibited in Islam. Thus it is said,
“Do no mischief on the earth after it has been set in order.” (7:56).
The Quran refers to past nations who were destroyed for spreading mischief in the world (18:4-5). According to the Holy Quran, the very object of sending Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last messenger of God, was to eradicate mischief which had spread on account of human whims and wishes replacing the Divine laws brought by the previous messengers of God (30:41). Belief in God and mischief cannot go together. They are opposed to each other. (38:28).
Justice First
A Muslim society cannot accommodate injustice.
“O you who believe stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to God, even as against yourself, or your parents, or your kin, or whether it be (against) rich or poor for Allah can best protect both.” (4:135).
Justice even to the Enemies
To do justice in a favorable and neutral atmosphere is meritorious but the real test comes when you have to do justice to people who are your enemies. The Quran says:
“O you who believe, stand out firmly for God as witnesses to fair dealing and let not the hatred of others make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice.” (5:8).
Prohibition of Killing and Plundering
The Holy Quran has strongly prohibited killing anyone unless one is a murderer, or one who spreads mischief in the land.” (5:35). The Quran strongly prohibits plunder and arson whether the offender or the victim a Muslim or a non-Muslim (2:205). In code of ethics, how can one expect the followers of the Quran to be cruel and usurpers? The vigorous enemy propaganda that Islam was spread by dint of sword springs from sheer prejudice. Compulsion in the matter of faith is contrary to the basic Quranic teachings. The objective before a Muslim is to develop his personality in accordance with the Divine laws as to survive beyond physical death and reach a higher evolutionary stage in the life hereafter. Can an unwilling convert then fit in the Quranic society? The Quran says,
“If it had been thy Lord’s will, they would all have believed, all who are on earth; will you then compel mankind to believe against their will? (10:99).
Again it is said,
“So the truth is from your Lord. Let him who will, believe, and let him, who will, reject it.” (18:29).
The Holy Quran has forcefully declared:
“Let there be no compulsion in ‘Deen’; truth stands out clear from error.” (2:256).
The question then is, under what circumstances did Muslims fight against non-Muslims? Islam is a ‘Deen’ which relates to a social organization encompassing all aspects of human life. In a state based on ‘Deen’, the sovereignty is that of God or of the fundamental and immutable laws that lie safely inside the Holy Quran. The central authority of the State is only an instrument for the enforcement of laws.
Law and Power
An organized political community cannot exist without power. According to the Holy Quran, the Book (law), the balance (justice) and the iron (power) hold a society together. Thus the law, its enforcement with justice and the power to protect the rule of law are the basic pillars of a state organization under Divine guidance. The Quran says:
“We sent afore time our messengers with clear signs an sent down with them the Book and the balance that men may stand forth in justice; an we sent down iron which is a great strength (for protection) as well as many other benefits for mankind.” (57:25).
A law becomes law in reality when it has been enforced, which cannot be done without power. But power too should be used in accordance with law for otherwise it will reduce itself to barbarism.
Active Fighting in Self Defense only
Qital (fight) is only a part of Jihad, which is constant struggle for the establishment and protection of ‘Deen’. It was first permitted to Muslims in self-defense only when the Quraish attacked Medina. Medina was the city where the former had migrated to escape persecution by the Meccans to work for Islam in a more favorable environment. The Holy Quran says,
“To those against whom war is made permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged: and verily Allah is more powerful for their aid. (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes for no truthful cause except that they say, ‘Our Sustainer is Allah.;”
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