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The War Monger vs The Peace Lovers

A continuous struggle goes on between two kinds of groups ie the war mongers and the peace lovers. The world history is witness to the fact that although the peace lovers are always in majority but the war mongers have always prevailed. The question arises why; after all, the minority prevails over the majority. Are the war mongers more powerful? Do they have more resources? Do they have more sophisticated and attractive philosophy than the peace lovers? The answers to these questions may lead us to any conclusion but the fact is that so far in the history of mankind the peace lovers have remained hostage in the hands of war mongers. As soon as the peace lovers start some peace process (which is mostly in the form of dialogue between warring factions) someone throws a spanner into the system and the process comes to a halt. The result is nothing but the disappointment and dismay. Just take the example of dialogues between the Israelis and the Palestinians. As soon as a ray of hope is visible, the dialogue process is thwarted by the war mongers from both the sides. Same is the case with India and Pakistan. While resolving the conflicts including the perennial issue of Kashmir, the dialogue process is derailed at a crucial stage.

Let all the peace lovers join hands to neutralize the nefarious designs of the war mongers.

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