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Abhor Greed, Adore Contentment and Elevate the essence of Peace

Bulley Shah was a saint poet of Punjab (Pakistan). He wrote beautiful couplets about the inner self of man. One of his famous couplets in Punjabi language displays lovely correlation between contentment and survival (peace). The denotation of that reads something like the following:

“Look at the streams of birds that are flying high in the sky,

They come down to earth as and when they feel hungry,

They pick the food grains in their beaks and fly away,

Have you ever seen them hoarding food grains?

No, they never do that,

And they never die of starvation!

On the hand, the humans always resort to hoarding,

And the human always die of starvation! “

The message of the saint poet is loud and clear. Keep your lusts to the minimum, do not hoard resources more than your need, and rather keep them open for those who are in dire need. Keeping your needs and desires within the limits and caring for the needs of others is the bottom line of the teachings of all the preachers of peace.

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