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Total Peace is Achievable only if the Independent and Unbiased Judgments are Acceptable by the Powerful

The world history can be conveniently renamed as the history of warfare. Wars are the outcome of conflicts and conflicts are present wherever the humans live. Conflicts cannot be alienated from the human societies. It is being over idealistic if one tries to imagine a human society without the conflicts. Conflicts are instinctive to the people. These can be between the groups and then it takes the shape of proper quarrels between the factions, the tribes, the nations and the countries.

The most effective way to avoid war is the resolution of conflicts and settlement of issues before they blow up to proper wars. People since ages have been using different methods and systems to settle their disputes. During the primitive societies, conflicts were resolved by dialogues, possibly in the presence of one or more mediators. Later on this system got further refined and was organized into reconciliatory bodies and councils. However the powerful persons of the society would always try to influence these bodies in order to have the decisions of their own liking. This is how the exploitation started and the justice system was left at the mercy of the powerful people.

Same is the case with the nations and countries having conflicts and thus fighting with each other. Who would then resolve the issues between nations that are potentially at war? Again the old axiom applies. Might is right. It was right at the time of Hannibal, it was prevailing during the era of Changez Khan and same is true in this age of ‘enlightenment’ also. The powerful empires, states and nations never accept the decisions based on justice and equality. No wonders that the peace is as illusive today as it was thousands of years ago.

It is said that the peace is of two types; absence of wars and hostilities is denoted with negative peace and prevalence of justice, cooperation and sacrifice for the others is the positive peace. We are far away from even the negative peace, what to talk of the positive peace. However the traits and attributes required to enforce positive peace are actually needed by all to attain even the negative peace. With these traits only the men will accept the decisions based on impartial justice.

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