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Malawi: A Land of Implicit Peace

I was scanning through the African countries and their culture, when I came across Malawi; I was astounded by its natural beauty, harmony, calmness and peace. Malawi, a small, land-locked country seems to be an island of peace when we see the world around it. A large number of African countries suffer from the nuisances like political instability, tribal strife and civil wars. The savage concepts like ethnic cleansing and tribal rivalries have virtually ravaged many countries around Malawi.

The credit goes to the leaders of Malawi who have committed themselves to the economic uplift of the country and welfare of the lower strata of society. The country is clear of ethnic conflicts, tribal clashes and political misadventures. Though the country is still lacking development in various fields, the congenial and peaceful environment have created exceptionally favorable conditions for foreign investments and business. This has encouraged the entrepreneur to invest boldly in Malawi, resulting in economic and social development of the country.

According to a survey conducted by Global Peace Index (GPI) in 2009, Malawi ranked 2nd in Africa, surpassed only by Botswana, and 47th in the world. This is a great honor for the country. If this trend continues, the country is likely to make progress at much faster rate than anticipated.

The big question is; why the leaders of Malawi are so perceptive and why the leaders of other, neighboring countries lack this trait? Why the war torn countries cannot follow the example of Malawi and get on to the right path of peace? Somebody will soon get the answer; for the betterment of the devastated societies at least.

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