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The Birth of Christianity

Christianity was introduced when Jesus, the prophet of God was inspired and appointed by God to guide the people towards the righteous path. The words of God were revealed on Jesus that were collected, compiled and given the name of Bible. After Jesus completed his time on earth, most of his followers were swayed away by their inner lusts, whims, evil designs and personal gains / interests. The Bible was interpolated / amended according to the wishes of the compilers, as a result it no more remained in its pure form. The different versions of Bible claimed to be written / compiled by different people cannot now be called the words of God. However we can still find out the teachings of Jesus from what is now called as the New Testament.

Peace is akin to the teachings of Jesus. He was born in an era that was the time of great turmoil and chaos. The Roman Empire was the super power of the world at that time and they had made the sacred land of Palestine as their colony. Obviously they were as tyrants as the rulers of those times were. They suppressed the local people the majority of whom were the Jews. So the natural message of Jesus to his people and the world as whole was that of peace and non violence.

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